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Superfood harvested from the oceanLearn more
Impact Portfolio
All over the world there are people who are looking for new solutions to positively change the world.
Every month, we support a new project that stands out for its innovative idea and extraordinary solution.
- Alle Kategorien
- 1 – No Poverty
- 10 – Reduced Inequalities
- 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13 – Climate Action
- 14 – Life below Water
- 15 – Life on Land
- 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17 – Partnerships for the Goals
- 2 – Zero Hunger
- 3 – Good Health and Well-being
- 4 – Quality Education
- 5 – Gender Equality
- 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Seads – Superfood harvested from the ocean
Seads is shifting agriculture to shallow coastal waters and extracting a superfood grain from seaweed.

Thaki – Digital education for refugee children in Lebanon
Thaki reconditions donated laptops with interactive offline learning content, giving children in vulnerable circumstances an education they may otherwise have missed out on.

Replace Einweg – Send request for alternative packaging with barcode scan
The Replace Einweg App empowers consumer to scan products in the supermarket in order to suggest more sustainable packaging designs to the producers.

ZamBam Sports – Bamboo shin guards changing lives
The student start-up develops sustainable shin guards "made in Zambia". The Buy-1-Sponsor-1 model benefits young soccer teams on-site.

100WEEKS – Temporary cash to break the poverty cycle
A cash donation of 8€ over 100 weeks complemented with training in life and entrepreneurial skills empowers women to lift their families out of poverty

Plastic 2 Paint – Insect repellent paint from recycled plastics
The Nigerian student-run startup recycles plastic sachets into paint and adds an organic insect repellent.

Citizens Forests – Empowering people to afforest urban areas
Taking action to convert unused areas across one's home town into tiny biodiverse forests.

Sheltersuit – Warmth, protection and dignity for the homeless
The special upcycled sleeping bag jackets help homeless people to survive on the street

Witness – Video as a tool to drive human rights change
Empowering people to use video effectively to document and stop human rights abuse

African Baobab Alliance – The baobab tree as a driver for social change
Wild harvested baobab as a new source of income that empowers women and raises awareness for healthy nutrition.

FirstAED – Instant notification of nearby first responders
Alerting qualified first aiders in the direct neighborhood of a cardiac arrest emergency per smartphone

ARK – End hunger through vegetable exchanges
Empowering communities in the Philippines to produce their own food by farming in backyards and swapping harvest with neighbours.

innatura – Brand-new goods for charities
Providing the social sector with brand-new consumer goods that would otherwise have been disposed of.

Char2Cool – Invasive weed as CO2 storage
The water hyacinth is an aggressive invasive species which kills water bodies. Char2Cool developed a solution to turn the plant into a valuable soil enhancer.

Sit’N’Skate – Inclusion in skateparks and everyday life
Wheelchair sports in skateparks to promote inclusion and participation in society.

dooiy – DIY Solutions to Alleviate Poverty
Empowering people in underserved communities by spreading simple do-it-yourself instructions.

Fish’N’Bricks – Buildings made from Ocean Plastic for island regions
Fish'N'Bricks helps communities in Indonesia make bricks from plastic collected from the ocean.

Crisis Action – Collective action to protect civilians from armed conflict
An international catalyst for change which coordinates campaigns and alliances to support peacebuilding and to protect civilians from armed conflict.

Coral Gardeners – Revive Coral Reefs through Reforestation
Creating a global movement to save the world’s coral reefs through active reef restoration.

Cosmotaics – Greening deserts through solar farms
The solar panels developed by students from Austria harvest water from the air even under desert conditions.

Chaiim Humanitarian Clothing – Fashion against human trafficking
Together with the social fashion label eyd the Indian Chaiim Foundation empowers survivors of forced prostitution.

HeroRats – Rats detecting landmines
The trained African giant rats save human lives by detecting landmines or diseases such as tuberculosis quickly and cost-effectively with their fine sense of smell.

Between The Lines – Support for young people at risk via app
The app provides information, positive inspiration and guidance for youth in almost any troubling situation.

Save the Grain – Empowering smallholders to reduce crop waste
Save the Grain’s low-tech solar dryer empowers smallholders to better preserve their crops in order sell when the demand is highest.

Plastic Fischer – Floating barriers to collect river plastic
Plastic Fischer's open-source technology and innovative financing models empowers local communities to collect and recycle river plastic, which otherwise would have entered the oceans.

The Blooming Project – Making the flower industry sustainable
The Blooming Project is part of the Slowflower movement. With their regional, seasonal and organically grown cut flowers, they create a positive momentum to transform the sector towards sustainability.

Orange Sky – Positively connecting communities
Orange Sky is a non-profit organisation providing free laundry, warm showers and genuine conversation for homeless people.

WorldWideWomen – Empowerment through Entrepreneurship
The development organization ICEP provides women who do not have the opportunity to go to school or college with on-site business coaching to help them start their own businesses.

Zeugen der Flucht – Connecting refugees with students
School visits by refugees offer an exchange at eye level and thus reduce prejudices.

SeaSoilution – Turning marine algae into bio-fertiliser
SeaSoilution fishes harmful brown algae out of the sea and recycles them into bio-fertiliser.

Plasticpreneur – Empowering people to recycle plastic waste
Plasticpreneur develops machines which empower people across the world to turn plastic waste into new valuable products.

Tip Me – Giving something back to the makers
With Tip Me you can give something back directly to the individual garment workers who made your clothes

Moufense – Malaria protection for all
Moufense is a young social business which fights malaria by introducing a low-cost mosquito repellent body lotion in rural Togo.

AfB – Refurbishment of used IT equipment with social added value
The social enterprise creates numerous jobs for people with disabilities while making the IT industry greener.

Discovering Hands – Turning a handicap into a talent
Discovering Hands trains blind women to become Medical-Tactile Examiners for early breast cancer detection.

Africa GreenTec – Climate action and peace building
Africa GreenTec provides communities in conflict areas with affordable, clean energy, and creates the conditions to use it productively

Skateistan – Education through skateboarding
Skateistan empowers children in Afghanistan, Cambodia and South Africa through skateboarding and education.

Glassic – Reusable bottles against plastic waste on Thailand’s beaches
Glassic fights plastic waste in the oceans by establishing reusable bottle schemes in Asia.

The Generation Forest – the natural climate solution
The Generation Forest Cooperatives allows anyone to build his or her own climate protection forest

Education for Housing Swap – Empowering children from deprived neighbourhoods
Swap Education for Housing engages young people as youth mentors who live on-site in deprived neighbourhoods.

Sanku – Ending malnutrition in Africa
Sanku – Project Healthy Children is a game changer in providing rural communities with access to fortified flour by partnering with local mom-and-pop mills to add nutrients at no additional costs

mango solar – Lighting up African homes
mango solar brings clean energy to previously inaccessible areas of the world through digitally empowered solar home systems that are made to last.

Namati – Advancing justice through empowerment
Namati trains and deploys grassroots legal advocates who work with communities to advance fundamental citizenship rights.

Sanergy – Pioneering a zero organic waste economy
Sanergy pioneers a zero waste economy by turning organic waste from sanitary facilities, households or farms into new valuable products.

Health4Bees protects bees from environmental toxins, making use of data collected by the bees themselves.

ShareTheMeal is a smartphone app that enables people to share their meal with a hungry child - through a micro donation of $ 0.50.

Bike Bridge
Bike Bridge engages citizens to teach refugee women to ride a bike and therewith bridges cultural and social gaps.

Forest Gum – plastic-free chewing gum
Most chewing gums contain plastic as "chewing mass". Forest Gum shows that there is another way.

Liter of Light – Solar lamps from PET bottles to illuminate slums
Liter of Light is a global, grassroots movement commited to providing affordable, sustainable solar light to people with limited or no access to electricity.

Bottle Refund App
The App “Pfandgeben” allows informal bottle collectors to pick up their goods directly at your household, which drastically improves their work conditions.

Socialbnb – Book your stay at a local non-profit
Socialbnb is a non-profit booking platform that connects travelers with local initiatives around the world who offer homestays for guests.

Ya Bana Global Care
Ya Bana means "for the children". A free primary school is established in Kinshasa, which is financed by an affiliated school bakery.

Swimsol – floating solar panels
Swimsol develops floating solar systems that power Maledivian islands with clean energy without occupying any space.

X-runner – Affordable waterless toilets
The Swiss-Peruvian women-led social enterprise gives low-income urban communities access to clean and affordable sanitation facilities.

Samaki Aquaponics
The student initiative Samaki of Enactus Aachen e.V. enables people in the rural regions of Africa to pursue sustainable fish farming with long-term benefits.

SIRPLUS – Saving food
SIRPLUS has made it its mission to counteract the immense waste of food and to make food saving the mainstream.

OneDollarGlasses – Affordable eye care for all
More than 150 million people in the world would need glasses but cannot afford them. The one-dollar glasses are manufactured and sold by the local people themselves. The material costs: only about 1 US Dollar!

myclimate Mountain Gorilla Project
The mountain gorilla project of the climate protection foundation myclimate supports the distribution of efficient stoves that require hardly any firewood in the densely populated region on the edge of the Virunga cloud forest in Rwanda.

Shiriki Mikro – Solar kiosk
Through the Bettervest platform, we are supporting the development of a network of 80 mobile solar kiosks that will provide people in Rwanda with access to WiFi, a mobile phone charging station and all kinds of Internet-based services.
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