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Superfood harvested from the oceanLearn more
Our vision: A world in which as many people as possible can bring about positive change. Straightforward, no extra costs and accessible for all.
Our Team
Kevin Fuchs
Andreas Renner
Andrea Rebensburg
Impact Portfolio • Communication
Kyle Yong
Country Manager Austria
David Diallo
Manuel Harder
Web Development
Our story
Our idea for GOOD goes back to 2016. At that time, we progressively developed ideas on how we could use our skills, experience and networks to create maximum impact for a better world.
We are David Diallo, Kevin Fuchs and Andreas Renner. The founders of GOOD. Together we combine expertise from diverse/different areas:
- Andreas with decades of experience in building, mentoring and funding social entrepreneurship initiatives worldwide.
- Kevin with his background in new media, web development and co-founding startups in the field of journalism.
- David as a visionary, networker and strategist and founder of our Good Impact Foundation.
We saw that people all over the world were developing new solutions on their own initiative and that many needed support, especially in the start-up phase. It was clear to us that we could not lead these solutions to success on our own, but that we had to spread the good solutions in order to involve as many people as possible or to inspire them to take action. The formula was:
Inform → Inspire → Activate
Relatively quickly, we had the idea of using a tool as a starting point, which billions of people already use every day anyway, which is easy to use for everyone and, incidentally, brings in money: a search engine. Since 2016, we have first developed the idea, then successively the concept.
»How can we use our skills, experience and networks to jointly create maximum impact for a better world?«
This question marked the start of GOOD
From the first, early beta phase, we used all the revenue we generated to support innovative solutions. In May 2018, we were thus able to support the first project – the Replace Plastic App of the association Coast Against Plastic – with 12€. Since then, we have been generating continuously increasing income, so that projects can regularly be supported with up to € 2500 (as of 2022).
As a social enterprise, we work without the intention of making a profit; we have completely transferred the company shares to the non-profit foundation Good Impact.
With the end of the beta phase, which still ran under the name Gexsi, we will not only take off at the end of 2022 with a new look and new features, but above all with our new name GOOD.

Our values
We are a social business that operates under the roof of the charitable Good Impact Foundation. We commit to allocate a minimum of 50%, better close to 100%, of the revenues, which we generate through our search engine, to support this mission.
We transferred our company shares to the charitable Good Impact Foundation (℅ Noah Foundation) to safeguard our mission.
We use the market to generate funds for good cause. Moreover, we support good causes with the most effective means, be it a donation, a social investment or any other support such as media work or supporting a crowdfunding campaign.
We also support young, innovative initiatives, which others – charities, investors, public programmes – find difficult to support. Unlike many others, we are open to taking risks.
We maintain a flexibility to support causes where opportunities arise. We support projects without asking for much paperwork, safeguarding the quality of the projects supported through other means like strong references through our network.
We love cooperation and actively look out for partnerships with organizations from all sectors, be it companies, other non-profits or technology partners. We seek to engage our stakeholders e.g. through seeking feedback in the process of selecting or evaluating the projects which we support, or the further growth of GOOD.
We follow the guidelines of the Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft and publish all relevant information with regard to our governance and flows of funds. We form part of the global network of Certified B Corp, united by the mission to use business as a force for good, and publish the B Impact Report.
We seek to live our values also within our organization, based on the principles of soft communication, flat hierarchies, a diverse team, open-mindedness, tolerance, co-creation and a high appreciation of the work of the team. We see the people we work with, as human beings, not just as a resource.
We define environmental protection guidelines for our organization and review them regularly.
We have a policy to avoid waste in the home office and to reuse, recycle or safely dispose of hazardous waste (printer cartridges, batteries, etc.) and appoint a Zero Waste Officer to support the team: