Samaki Aquaponics

Samaki Aquaponics


Your Impact

Financing period: 20 February 2019 to 6 March 2019
With your help we will support the Enactus Aachen e.V. as follows:

  • Financial

    We participate in the crowdfunding campaign via Startnext in the amount of the generated revenues.

  • Network

    The communication of our partner Startnext to the partnership with Gexsi creates additional visibility for Samaki’s ongoing crowdfunding campaign.

  • Media

    Storytelling about the Samaki project and the subject area is planned as part of our regular media work.


Samaki – Aquaponics for self-sufficiency

Even in the 21st century, Africa’s rural population faces fundamental economic and social challenges. One of the greatest challenges facing large parts of the continent is probably the fight against malnutrition, the development of infrastructure and the improvement of the economic situation.

The Samaki Project starts at the root in order to support the accomplishment of these tasks. The student initiative of Enactus Aachen e.V. enables people in Africa to build a sustainable existence as fish farmers. For this purpose, the students have developed a closed, solar-powered aquaponics system that ensures a sufficient supply of fish and vegetables even in the driest regions. The fish culture serves as a nutrient producer for a plant culture and the uptake of nutrients by the plants cleans the water in which the fish live.
In order to ensure the long-term benefit of the facilities, they are installed on site together with the project partners. In addition, the partners are trained in the long-term operation and further development of the plants by means of descriptive teaching materials and workshops.

Who is behind the project?

Samaki is a student project established by Enactus Aachen e.V.. Its aim is to combat malnutrition and develop long-term sources of income in rural Africa. Ecologically and economically profitable concepts are developed according to the principle of social entrepreneurship. These should bring a lasting economic and social benefit for the people. The team consists of about thirteen students around the project leader Lennart Mielke. The project benefits from the skills and ideas of many motivated students from different disciplines.

More Information

Why chosen

People 80%
Fight against malnutrition, fish farming is possible without access to electricity and waters
Planet 80%
Aquaponics as a closed cycle system conserves natural resources
Profit 70%
Self-supporting model, based on the idea of helping people to help themselves
Innovation 65%
Aquaponics is not new; direct knowledge transfer with RWTH Aachen University creates lighthouse project
Win-win 85%
High efficiency with low financial means; high mission-alignment with Enactus e.V.



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