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Superfood harvested from the oceanLearn more
We are looking for extraordinary, inspiring solutions
We want to shine a light on the exceptional solutions people come up with to solve our pressing social and environmental challenges. All over the world we find people who take initiative and drive positive change.

Every project we support contributes to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and often explores new, unconventional paths
The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) define global targets set by the United Nations. They indicate a pathway to a sustainable development on ecological, social and economic levels for the entire world.
Our GOOD Scorecard
We have developed a scorecard that translates the criteria that are relevant to us into a point system. That makes it possible to compare different projects. The scorecard covers four categories: People, Planet, Gamechanger and Win-Win. We rate each of these on a scale from zero (does not apply at all) to ten points (applies exceptionally well).
- In the first two categories, we look at what problem the individual project solves. In that way, we assess the impact areas that are described by the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The assessment reveals, among other things, whether a project tends to solve a social or an environmental challenge or – in the majority of cases – a combination of both.
- In the third and fourth categories, we rate the extent to which the project can lead to positive change. Our focus in the third category is the power and potential of the project itself. In the fourth category, we evaluate the role we can play as a GOOD community.
The four categories for project selection
We review each shortlisted project against the four categories of our scorecard: People, Planet, Gamechanger and Win-Win. Through rating each component, we evaluate whether a project is a good match for our portfolio.
Does the project solve pressing societal challenges?
Does the project improve people’s well-being, health or living conditions? Does it improve access to basic goods and services?
Does the project address people at risk, i.e. vulnerable or marginalized groups or people who live in precarious circumstances or in extreme poverty?
Does the project promote tolerance, inclusion, social participation, gender equality or peaceful coexistence? Does it significantly generate new, fairly paid jobs and thus contribute to prosperity?
Does the project protect our environment and conserve natural resources?
Does the project help to conserve or to restore terrestrial or marine ecosystems? Does it protect biodiversity? Does it help to counteract climate change?
Does the project boost a mindful use of scarce natural resources? Does it contribute to a circular economy? Does it bring about behavioural change or a change of mind-set to engage for the environment or animal welfare?
Does the implementing organisation keep its own ecological footprint low? Are there self-commitments or certifications for environmental protection or climate neutrality in place?
Is the solution innovative, inspiring and has the power to drive real change?
Is it a new, inspiring concept, which tackles a social or environmental challenge in a different, possibly disruptive manner? Is the solution convincing and can inspire people in different places?
Does the team demonstrate initiative, agility and entrepreneurial spirit? Does it have the ambition to unleash the full potential of the idea? Does the team count on cooperation and knowledge sharing to scale its positive impact? Is the underlying business model convincing?
Does the team have the necessary resources or growth strategy to move forward? Does the project have a governance structure that balances purpose and profit?
4. WIN-WIN 🙌🏼
Can we support the project effectively with our means?
Can we make a difference with our financial support, media work or mentoring? Is the project still young or is it at a critical stage of development? Does the project benefit from the additional visibility?
Is there a specific occasion, such as an ongoing crowdfunding or media campaign, that we can support? Is the subject particularly topical? Is the type of solution a gap in our portfolio?
Is the project connected to a region where the GOOD community is strongly represented? Was it recommended or honoured by the impact community? Was it selected through a community vote?