Between The Lines – Support for young people at risk via app

Between The Lines – Support for young people at risk via app

This app for teenagers and young adults leaves no one behind

No matter what’s on the mind. Be it stress in the family, mobbing at school, drug problems, loneliness or any other psychological issues which put a youth at risk. The smartphone App Between The Lines, which currently is piloted in Germany, seeks to minimize the hurdle to ask for help – and find the right youth welfare offer in your region.

The App builds on successful initiatives such as Crisis Textline, a free text messaging support programme offered across the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Ireland. Between The Lines seeks to reduce the entry barrier even more, simply by offering information and stories on a broader range of topics. That is: You do not signalize that you have a problem, when downloading the app. You rather show that you are a smart person who knows about relevant topics. Nevertheless, the app guides you to relevant support programs in case of need.

The cost-free and ad-free App provides four type of services:

  • Chatbot: The chatbot guides you through the app, answers your questions and introduces various support offerings.
  • Hero stories: These stories about other youths seek to illustrate that the way how you are is okay. Others may be in the same situation and found a way to change or cope with it.
  • Information platform: The app offers information and orientation on 21 different topics.
  • Help offers: The app identifies the most relevant youth welfare programs tailored for your specific need.

With help of artificial intelligence, the app will step by step be more responsive to recognize the specific needs and – in particular – the urgency of any support need, to guide the youth to the most relevant support programme.

In many countries there exist youth welfare offerings tailored for many different need. The challenge is find a way to reach the respective youth and to make aware that support is available.

The project is a great example of a collaboration between a university, here: the Berlin-based CODE University, and the youth welfare system.

Project evaluation

😀 1. PEOPLE 88%
Does the project solve pressing societal challenges?
🌍 2. PLANET 50%
Does the project protect our environment and conserve natural resources?
Is the solution innovative, inspiring and has the power to drive real change?
🙌🏼 4. WIN-WIN 86%
Can we support the project effectively with our means?

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Contribution to the 17 Global Goals

Good health and well-being

Enhancing the mental health and well-being of young people

Quality education

Access to relevant youth welfare focused information for all

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Between the Lines contributes to building communities where no one is left behind.

Partnerships for the Global Goals

Bringing together the entire spectrum of public or private youth welfare initiatives

