Author: Andrea Rebensburg (Andrea Rebensburg)

On the mission against invasive species
July 31, 2023August 14, 2023

On the mission against invasive species

Invasive species often harm the native flora and fauna. In the case of the beautiful water hyacinth, we are talking about a major catastrophe. Some initiatives are developing innovative ideas to contain its massive spread.

Five groundbreaking initiatives to revitalise corals
March 27, 2023March 27, 2023

Five groundbreaking initiatives to revitalise corals

Corals have been suffering from climate change for years. In particular, the rise in water temperature can lead to coral mortality, and instead of thriving reefs, all that remains are dreary seabeds. Therefore, more and more people worldwide are committed to restoring already damaged reefs.

Green deserts: How solar energy can help produce water
March 7, 2023March 7, 2023

Green deserts: How solar energy can help produce water

There are forward-looking ideas for countries suffering from persistent water shortages. Various initiatives are addressing the problem of water scarcity in very different ways and are successfully seeking innovative solutions. Cosmotaics, for example, is developing solar parks for desert areas that simultaneously produce water via condensation.

Big time for small rodents: Rats in search of landmines, infectious agents and buried victims
December 5, 2022December 13, 2022

Big time for small rodents: Rats in search of landmines, infectious agents and buried victims

The organization Apopo takes advantage of the African giant hamster rat's highly developed sense of smell. It has spent the last 25 years preparing these affectionate rodents to detect two of the deadliest threats on the planet: Land mines and tuberculosis. Both emit their own odor, undetectable to humans, which the rats can quickly sniff out. Soon, new areas of operation are to be added.