Chaiim Humanitarian Clothing – Fashion against human trafficking

Chaiim Humanitarian Clothing – Fashion against human trafficking

A social business set-up with the sole purpose to work with survivors from human trafficking

The Indian foundation Chaiim works with women and girls who have been freed from forced prostitution and supports them holistically in their re-integration. A central pillar is its own social enterprise, which produces sustainably processed textiles and sells them through the social fashion label eyd – humanitarian clothing. In this way, the work of the organization can be financed in part and at the same time attention can be created for the so important topic.
The network includes:

Project Evaluation

😀 1. PEOPLE 93%
Does the project solve pressing societal challenges?
🌍 2. PLANET 77%
Does the project protect our environment and conserve natural resources?
Is the solution innovative, inspiring and has the power to drive real change?
🙌🏼 4. WIN-WIN 80%
Can we support the project effectively with our means?

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Contribution to the 17 Global Goals

Gender Equality

Empowering women and girls which have been freed from forced prostitution

Responsible Consumption and Production

Engaging consumers in the problem solutions. Sustainable production of textiles. 

Good Health and Well-Being

Psychological support, trust building and mentorship for the women

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Creation of jobs with very fair conditions 

No Poverty

Securing income for women at risk

Partnerships for the Goals

Network of various organizations working together from freeing women to creating a new perspective for them with support of European consumers


