After two years of market analysis and prototyping, three students of the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm founded the tech company mango solar to energize remote African villages. Intelligently controlled via a cloud platform and at costs no higher than running kerosene lamps.
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Superfood harvested from the oceanLearn more
Author: Andreas Renner (Andreas Renner)
mango solar – Lighting up African homes
mango solar brings clean energy to previously inaccessible areas of the world through digitally empowered solar home systems that are made to last.
Support your favourite social start-up now!
Which start-up idea inspires you the most? Over the last days, we have presented a purpose-driven startup every day as part of our Impact Challenge with SensAbility. Your vote may make the difference when picking the winner.
Gexsi Impact Challenges: How we support your social project!
We launched a series of impact challenges to identify the most inspiring projects which we support through our Gexsi platform. For the current Social Pitch we teamed up with SensAbility, Europe's largest student-led impact summit.
This social startup revolutionizes the way how to protect bees
Health4Bees equips beekeepers with all they need to keep their bee hives healthy, among others by analyzing the environmental data collected by the bees themselves.
Make a positive impact every day with the Gexsi New Tab
We have developed a browser extension for your computer that enhances your homepage with a variety of practical and informative features - with every new tab opened. Besides, the embedded search engine generates funds for social innovators who contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
These organizations fight for racial justice and equal rights for all
The death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement have spurred the debate about racial justice. We shine a light on social entrepreneurship organizations who develop bold solutions to advance equal rights for all in the USA, and beyond.
Namati – Advancing justice through empowerment
Namati trains and deploys grassroots legal advocates who work with communities to advance fundamental citizenship rights.
These 5 social entrepreneurship competitions fund bold ideas to change the world
Social innovators often have award-winning ideas, but find it hard to access funding. We introduce 5 top-ranked awards which actually provide the funding to put the ideas into action.
Green or social recovery? What we can learn from others to turn the COVID-19 crisis into an opportunity
The call for a green recovery of the economy after COVID-19 falls short. There is a unique opportunity to boost the social economy and to empower the younger generations to design the impact business models we need for a better future.
Drink for the planet! – These 10 German beverages help to make the world a better place
The beverage industry in Germany is quite unique. For close to 25 years there is a growing trend to set-up companies which sponsor a good cause along-side selling their drinks. Most companies refuse to merge with the powerful large-scale brands.
Gexsi – The search engine for a better world
Search and do good. We launched an internet search engine, which contributes to a better world. Here we explain why we started Gexsi and how it works.