Alternative to Google: Why you should convince your boss to switch to Gexsi

Here are 5 good reasons why your organisation should use the alternative search engine Gexsi. The switch is easy and you can try it out right in your home office!

No doubt, Google is an excellent search engine. Otherwise, the company would not have a market share of over 90% – and this worldwide. With Gexsi, we have created an alternative that may make much more sense for your organisation. The search engine is integrated into the Good Impact Foundation, which makes it non-profit. Your search queries generate revenue. With these, we support innovative social projects that contribute to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and thus positively change the world.

1. Set a sign that you form part of the sustainability movement!

More and more companies are aligning their business models with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and want to show that they have a positive impact on the environment and society. Gexsi is the internet search engine for the SDGs and supports innovative projects – both locally and globally. By changing the search engine for your employees, you are sending a simple signal that you are part of the movement. And of course, the Gexsi search is also CO2-neutral.


2. Reduce your digital footprint!

With Gexsi, you leave fewer traces on the web. Gexsi is a privacy-friendly search that makes it difficult for third parties to create personal user profiles. Google has less access to your data. Because of the multitude of interconnected Google services – Chrome browser, Gmail or Drive, Google Maps, Youtube, etc – it’s not easy at all to protect your privacy. With Gexsi, you have taken out the part of the Google world where the most data can be collected: the web search. As a welfare organisation, we represent your interests.


3. Make Gexsi part of your sustainability communication!

Gexsi is a powerful communication tool, both internally and externally. All your employees get to know the concept of the Sustainable Development Goals – and this in a clear way through the many projects that we support, whose stories we share and whose positive impact we assign to the respective SDGs. What’s more, if you wish, we can measure the funds generated by your employees for the SDGs and prepare the information for your external communication, for example for your annual or sustainability report.

«Gexsi is a powerful employee engagement tool for us at Generali, as it allows many of our colleagues to easily become part of our commitment to The Human Safety Net.»
Astrid Berns, Programme Manager The Human Safety Net

To ensure that each company or organisation gets the optimal solution for itself, we have developed various tools such as our own desktop extensions, landing pages or impact tracking. In many cases it is possible to configure the search so that you as a team support the good cause of your own company or organisation through your search on the web. Contact us!



4. Boosting your corporate culture by engaging all employees for a good cause!

Every single employee of your organisation contributes to the success of the project with his or her search queries. The search queries generate income that goes to innovative social projects. The selected projects provide positive food for thought or inspire people to get involved. They spread confidence and optimism and contribute to a positive corporate culture.

«Search the web and fund SDG projects in the process? Ingenious! Positive change starts in everyday life.»
Rebecca Freitag, Former UN Youth Delegate for Sustainability

Most of the projects we support solve social or environmental challenges with entrepreneurial spirit, develop social business models. For us, entrepreneurship and positive impact are not contradictory – a message that – we believe – is of very special importance.


5. Suited to start right away in your home office

Anyone can use Gexsi as a search engine at home, via browser add-on or smartphone app. Why not just go ahead and try Gexsi. The more colleagues you convince afterwards, the easier it is to convince the organisation as a whole to change. There are few rational arguments against switching: The integrated Google navigation bar makes it possible to access Google results at any time. And the company faces no costs or, in the case of customised solutions, no significant costs.


Questions? Contact us!
Dr. Andreas Renner, Co-Founder Gexsi: