50 supported solutions – your search with GOOD and its impact

Hooray – together with you we have achieved incredible goals so far. We can hardly believe it ourselves: With your search, we have already supported 50 projects and thus 50 groundbreaking solutions for a better world. All this would not have been possible without your help and that of all GOOD users. THANK YOU for every single search request! This is a good opportunity to take a look at what we have accomplished together.

In total, with the help of your web search, we have been able to pay out over €45,000 since GOOD (formerly Gexsi) started. We are growing continuously and gaining new users every day – and that’s a good thing! The more of you use our search engine GOOD for your daily search, the higher the amounts we pay out. Our development has been enormous: For our first project, we generated 12 € – in the meantime, we regularly support changemakers with their innovative solutions with 1500 €, sometimes even with up to 2500 €. Our small team is incredibly proud of this and we are happy that you are part of the success. The revenue of the search engine is partly matched by additional donations.

We have successfully supported 50 projects, bringing forward 50 innovative solutions for a better world. That’s an incredible number and it wouldn’t have happened without you and your searches. Each individual project has its own unique approach to solving problems and focuses on very different challenges around the world. This is important because our society and our planet need solutions that work globally. All of them have one thing in common: they contribute crucially to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). That is why we focus on covering all regions of the world with the GOOD projects, in addition to the different thematic areas. Thus, we support both international and regional projects in German-speaking countries. Solution approaches that are globally scalable are particularly interesting for our portfolio.


Every day we search the internet for information for day-to-day life, do research and ask various questions. And with smartphones, laptops and co., we always have our search engine at hand. At the moment, almost 10,000 of you are actively using our platform to search the internet and make a total of around 600,000 enquiries every month. In this way, you all make our world a little bit better every day and along the way.

Questions, criticism, suggestions? Write to us!
Andreas Renner, Co-Founder GOOD: andreas@good-search.org