SIRPLUS – Saving food

SIRPLUS – Saving food

Your Impact

Financing period: 21 January to 20 February 2019
With your help we will support SirPlus as follows:

  • Financial

    Depending on the proceeds, we buy several rescue boxes and raffle them in our community.

  • Network

    Among other things, we would like to use our new location in the Lokhalle in Freiburg to make the idea of saving food through SIRPLUS known in new circles.

  • Media

    Storytelling about the SIRPLUS project and other food saving initiatives is planned as part of our regular media work.

SIRPLUS – Saving food

Approximately 18 million tons of food are thrown away in Germany every year. This corresponds to approximately one truck load per minute. This enormous amount of food waste has various causes, such as agricultural products that cannot be processed industrially because of their size, shape or weight. But even food that has a short sell-by date or whose packaging is damaged ends up in the garbage. Sirplus wants to combat and ultimately stop the increasing waste of food.

SIRPLUS specifically rescues these discarded foods and returns them to the cycle. In joint work with the food industry, the appreciation of food in the entire population should be increased and become a matter of course. SIRPLUS thus offers all market participants a solution to sustainably reduce waste and overproduction.

The rescued food is offered in the three SIRPLUS retailer stores in Berlin and can also be purchased from the company’s own online shop throughout Germany. The core message here is: We want to preserve the resources of our planet and work together for a future suitable for grandchildren.

Who is behind it?

Raphael Fellmer, the creative director and managing director of SIRPLUS, has been committed to the issue of food waste since 2009. He is co-founder of the initiative, a now international movement with over 200,000 registered users.

From 2010 on, he lived five years in a money strike and waived a fee for all his activities and neither accepted nor spent any money during this time. He writes about his experiences in his free book “Glücklich ohne Geld! Raphael’s goal was and still is to draw people’s attention to the destruction of our planet and to find solutions that can already be lived today.

In 2017 Raphael Fellmer and Martin Schott founded the Social Impact Startup SIRPLUS, which has made it its business to save surplus food from the barrel and in this way to conserve the valuable resources of our planet.

More Information

Why chosen

People 90%
Raising awareness is the focus of this business model!
Planet 85%
Combating food waste conserves natural resources.
Profit 80%
Social business with a financially self-sustaining business model.
Innovation 70%
There are various food saver initiatives, especially apps; new and scalable is the idea of an (online) shop
Win-win 80%
Initiative is personally known; great network with reach.


  • Gefüllte Lebensmittelkiste
  • Innenansicht SirPlus-Laden
  • Gefüllte Lebensmittelkiste
  • Krumme Paprika


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