The share of plastic which is being recycled is steadily growing. For the pioneers of a regenerative economy, this does not go far enough. The solution: Making products from plastic waste, which has been retrieved from illegal dumpsites or the oceans.
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Superfood harvested from the oceanLearn more
Author: Andreas Renner (Andreas Renner)
These initiatives enable millions of people to see better
Nearly a billion people are in need of eye care but cannot afford it. These initiatives help people with poor eyesight. They all have a huge leverage effect – possibly also thanks to you.
These coffees taste good and do good
Organic or Fairtrade coffees have been known for quite a while. But what are the latest concepts which are being developed in the social start-up scene? Here you will find 6 coffee brands whose coffees not only taste good and are produced ecologically, but which positively change the livelihoods of the people in the producing countries.
17 Goals: How to support SDG #2 – Zero Hunger – with your web search
Many of the 30 projects we currently support with the proceeds of our web search Gexsi – the search engine for a better world – contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal "Zero Hunger". See how you too can make your contribution.
Alternative to Google: Why you should convince your boss to switch to Gexsi
Here are 5 good reasons why your organisation should use the alternative search engine Gexsi. The switch is easy and you can try it out right in your home office!
The Social Entrepreneurship Highlights of 2020
Many of us would have liked a reset button to start this year over again – without the virus. We take a positive look back and present the social entrepreneurship highlights which impressed us most in 2020.
Glassic – Reusable bottles against plastic waste on Thailand’s beaches
Glassic fights plastic waste in the oceans by establishing reusable bottle schemes in Asia.
No more plastic bottles in the oceans: Establishing returnable bottle schemes in Asia
The Munich-based social start-up glassic is establishing a returnable deposit bottle system on the island of Ko Kut in Thailand. The stylish glass bottles are the lever to reduce the amount of plastic bottles which end up in the oceans. The Enactus project won the Gexsi Impact Challenge Award in November.
Saveguarding democracy and human rights: These 7 non-profits do ground-breaking work
The elections in the US have shown how fragile democracy can be when conflicts arise. We present 7 organizations, each of which developed its own powerful approach to strengthen democracy and human rights – in the US and across the globe.
Let us empower the next generation to use business as a force for good
We need a more resilient, green and human economy. How to manage this transition? – Let us empower the next generation – now!
Thanks – With your help we make a real impact!
It is two years since we started to pilot our social search engine Gexsi. During this phase we already achieved a lot. Time to say THANK YOU!
Build your own climate protection forest!
The Hamburg-based cooperative The Generation Forest enables every one of us to create his or her own climate protection forest. Not as a donation, but as a co-owned community property. The ownership guarantees that the forests are managed – and hence protected – for generations.