With GOOD you can search and do good

When searching on GOOD, you create a positive impact. You don’t even have to change your search behaviour. Every click on an ad generates money for solutions that positively change the world.

This is how we select the projects we support

Project search

We continuously screen social entrepreneurship initiatives worldwide for exceptional projects that positively change the world with their innovative solution. You can also submit your own proposals.


We use our selection criteria to make a pre-selection of projects. We work closely together with partners from the impact community. If a project fits, it is added to our watchlist and evaluated with our scorecard.


We choose the projects to be featured as a team or by a community voting. This ensures that we cover a wide range of topics, approaches and regions, as well as incorporating valuable feedback from our community.

How we evaluate projects
with the GOOD Scorecard

  • solve pressing societal challenges
  • protect our environment and conserve natural resources
  • are innovative, inspiring and have the power to drive real change
  • we can support effectively with our means

How can I submit project proposals?